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the bell ringers, the people that say prayers......

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People who work in a church may include clergy members (such as priests, pastors, or ministers), administrative staff, musicians, volunteers, educators, and caretakers. Each person contributes to the smooth operation and spiritual guidance of the church community.

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The church's interpretation of the bible was ridiculed in what work?

The church's interpretation of the Bible was ridiculed in the Renaissance humanist work "The Praise of Folly" by Erasmus. This satire criticized the corruption and ignorance within the church, including its narrow interpretations of scripture.

How do you get banned from church?

You can get banned from a church by engaging in disruptive behavior, disrespecting the church leadership or members, causing damage to property, or violating the church's code of conduct. Ultimately, the decision to ban someone from a church is typically made by the church leadership.

How many people in Australia go to church?

A:Although many Australians identify as religious, the majority consider religion the least important aspect of their lives when compared with family, partners, work and career, leisure time and politics. This is reflected in Australia's church attendance rates, which are among the lowest in the world and continuing to decline. A 2004 poll showed approximately 1.5 million Australians attended church regularly - about 8% of the national population.

What is the great and abominable church spoken of by nephi?

The great and abominable church spoken of by Nephi in the Book of Mormon is generally understood to refer to apostate or corrupt religious institutions that oppose the teachings of Jesus Christ. It symbolizes those who lead people away from the truth and righteousness.

Who helps the pope lead the church and teach people how to follow Jesus?

holy spirit

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How much money do people make that work in a church?

The majority of people that work in a church do so voluntary so they dont earn anything for their efforts

What is the work of the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and His Bride. As such, It's work is to bring Our Blessed Lord to people and people to God.

What church did Mother Teresa work in?

Mother Teresa was a Catholic sister but did not work in any church. She worked in the slums and gutters of the world helping less fortunate people.

How was the puritan church run?

by people going to a church and letting a person speaking to them about stuff probably church, i dunno wy don't u f*****g work it out

What do people in Poland do when they are there?

They work, study, enjoy their rest on weekends, and go to church (Catholic).

What has the author Herbert Carleton Mayer written?

Herbert Carleton Mayer has written: 'Young people in your church' -- subject(s): Church work with youth, Religious education of young people 'The church's program for young people' -- subject(s): Christian education

Why do people work for ecumenism?

Some people believe that "One Church" means a united body of people with a single name and management structure.

What Church did Mother Teresa work for?

She was a Catholic but did not work for any Church. She worked for God.

Why did people in the Middle ages hate magic?

They were told by the Catholic church it was the work of the devil and since the Catholic church told all what was right or wrong it was followed by the populace.

What is church work?

Any work done in or for church. This could be actual cleaning or caring for the building or church grounds or it could be Pastoral work and house visiting and hospital calls.

Where can you see a lot of people gossiping?

Party, Mall, church, work, school, hair salon, coffee shop.

Who are the bishops?

the people that work alongside the bishops