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the person that buy the marchandise

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Q: Who are the primary customers of wholesale business?
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Who are the primary customersd for a wholesaling business?

The retailers who sell the products directly to the customers are the primary customers for a wholesale business. They buy the products from the wholesalers,get cash/trade discount and sell them to ultimate customers at a margin.

Who are the primary customers of wholesaling business?

The primary customer of a wholesaling business would be retailers - purchasing stock for their business.

What is the difference between wholesale banking and retail banking?

Wholesale banking is the business transactions that go on between banks. Retail banking has to do with direct customers of the bank.

What is the definition of primary production in business?

it is the product that draws the most customers toward the business.

What happends when primary and secondary consumers die?

Although its impossible , but if both primary and secondary consumers die your business will run out of customers.

What are two primary functions of business?

The main function of a business is to make money for their stockholders. Another function of a business is to sell quality products to customers.

Who are the primary customers of manufacturing business?

the people in the community and other surrounding areas, the peoplr.

Who can tell us wholesale screen printing websites?

A good service for wholesale screen printing is Contract Screen Printing Services. They have been in business for eleven years and offer a 25% discount to all new customers.

What is the difference between a wholesale business and a retail business?

wholesale sells to businesses, retail sells to public.

What is attrition level?

It is one of two primary factors that determine the steady-state level of customers a business will support.

Can a wholesale business tell another business they have to have a store in order to sell their product?

Generally, a wholesale business can sell, or not sell, to whomever they please.

What are the advantages of using wholesale boxes?

Wholesale boxes are generally cheaper than those boxes which aren't wholesale. This is the primary advantage.