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Terrorists led by Bin Laudin attacked the World Trade Center.

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Q: Who attacked The World Trade Center in Manhattan New York?
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Related questions

Where is The World Trade Center in America?

The World Trade Center was located in Manhattan, New York.

Why was the World Trade Center attacked on 9-11?

because the terriosts attacked it

How many times has the world trade center been attacked?

the world trade center was attacked twice one the well known 9/11 and another when terrorists bombed it

Where was the wtc?

The World Trade Center was built in lower Manhattan. The current World Trade Center site take up 16 acres.

Who attacked the World Trade Center in 2001?

Al Qaeda

Which terrorist group attacked the World Trade Center?


What city was the first attack located in The World Trade Center?

Manhattan,New York

What part of New York was the World Trade Center in?

The Financial District of Lower Manhattan.

How far is Times Square from world trade centre site?

30 Rockefellar center in located in Manhattan

What president was in office when The World Trade Center attacked destroyed?

George W. Bush.

When was The World Trade Center first attacked?

The World Trade Center was first attacked on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb was detonated in the underground parking garage of the North Tower. The attack killed six people and injured over a thousand others.

Who was the priesentd when The World Trade Center was attacked?

I presume you mean the President. He was President George Bush.