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Q: Who attempts to use deconstruction to show how cultures produce truths and meanings?
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Who attempts to use deconstruction to show how culture produce truths and meanings?

A postmodernist attempts to use deconstruction to show how culture produces truths and meanings. Postmodernism is a movement that includes skeptical interpretations of culture, philosophy, history, fiction and literary criticism.

Who attempt to use deconstruction to show how cultures produce truths and meaning?


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Deconstruction of the rainforest means that there will be less oxygen that the trees produce. And it takes awy animals habitats away.

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to make something and to grow something

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Mucous glands secrete mucin. The mucin combines with water to produce a thick sticky secretion in the lungs, which the body attempts to dispel .

Homograph for the word produce?

Produce has two meanings, which makes it a homograph. Produce (v): pronounced pruh-DOOS To make make or manufacture from components or raw materials. Produce (n): pronounced PRO-doos Agricultural and other natural products collectively.