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Jack called the meeting under the pretence of discussing the encounter with the beast on the mountain top but really with the intention of attempting to depose Ralph as leader and installing himself as the new leader of the boys.

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Q: Who blew the conch for a meeting and why did he call the meeting in Lord of the Flies chapter 8?
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In Lord of the Flies - what was used to call everyone to the meeting?

The Conch shell.

Who blows the conch to call meetings in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph blows the conch to call meetings in "Lord of the Flies." The conch becomes a symbol of authority and order on the island.

What items does Ralph find how do all the boys know where to gather in Chapter 1 in the book lord of the flies?

In Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph finds a conch shell on the beach and uses it to call the other boys together. The sound of the conch signifies a meeting, and all the boys instinctively know to gather in response to its sound.

Which of the boys is the first to denounce the power of the conch in lord of the flies?

In chapter six: Beast from the air during the meeting Jack protests, "Conch! Conch! We don't need the conch any more..." He was the first person to challenge the necessity for, and the power of, the conch.

Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker when he is holding the conch in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the only one allowed to interrupt the speaker holding the conch is Ralph, as he is the elected leader among the boys. The conch symbolizes authority and order in their society.

In lord of the flies why does Piggy encourage Ralph to blow the conch after the meeting breaks up?

Read the story -___-

What must the meeting must not be in chapter 5 in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the meeting must not be about the beast in chapter 5. Instead, the meeting in this chapter focuses on the growing tensions between Ralph and Jack, particularly concerning priorities and responsibilities within the group.

What do the boys have that is a symbol of the authority of the society they form?

In the lord of the flies the symbol of authority is the pink cream colored conch shell

In Lord of the Flies what are the rules of the conch?

When Ralph blows the conch, it signifies that there will be a meeting and that all should gather round. When a particular person is holding the conch, it means that they are allowed to voice their thoughts an opinions. The conch itself signifies civility and order.

What is the significance of the chapter title The Sound Of The Shell in Lord of the Flies?

In chapter 1, they find a conch shell and piggy relizes that the conch could be used as a horn to call all the other boys on the island. With that, they blow into the conch and many boys come to the beach.

Who called the first meeting in the lord of the flies?

Ralph and Piggy found each other and blew the conch shell first, so they called the first meeting of the boys

What does blowing the conch in Lord of the Flies represent?

In "Lord of the Flies," blowing the conch represents order, authority, and communication. It is used to gather the boys together, call for meetings, and establish a sense of structure and civilization on the island. As the novel progresses and the boys descend into chaos, the conch loses its power and significance.