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Fluorine can steal an electron easier than oxygen. This is because fluorine has a higher electronegativity value than oxygen, making it more efficient at attracting electrons.

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Q: Who can steal an electron easier oxygen or fluorine?
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Does magnesium burn in the absence of oxygen?

Magnesium can burn in the absence of oxygen if a strong oxidizing agent is present, such as chlorine or fluorine. These elements can react with magnesium to form metal halides, resulting in a combustion reaction.

What category of elements on the periofic table tends to create negatively charged ions?

Nonmetals tend to create negatively charged ions. This is because nonmetals have a higher electronegativity, meaning they have a greater tendency to gain electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This results in the formation of negatively charged ions, known as anions.

What will an atom of iodine most likely do to be stable?

An atom of iodine will most likely gain one electron to form a stable octet in its outer energy level. This will give iodine a full set of 8 electrons, making it more stable and less likely to react with other atoms.

Why is a triple bond the most difficult to break?

A triple bond consists of three covalent bonds between atoms, resulting in strong electron sharing and a high bond energy. This makes it the most difficult to break compared to single and double bonds, which have fewer covalent bonds and less electron sharing. Triple bonds require a larger input of energy to break the bonds between the atoms.

Why is HCl a covalent bond?

HCl is a covalent bond because it is formed by the sharing of electrons between hydrogen and chlorine atoms. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell and become more stable. HCl is a diatomic molecule with a single covalent bond.

Related questions

Will fire burn with out oxygen and how?

Under normal circumstances, no. However, in some cases a different oxidizer may be used in place of oxygen. Substances such as fluorine and potassium nitrate can oxidize materials just as well s elemental oxygen can. Some highly reactive metals such as magnesium and lithium can "steal" oxygen from water or carbon dioxide.

Would a proton steal an electron from an iron atom?

Yes it would if it did not manage to steal an electron from any other atom it may have come into contact along its path.

Does magnesium burn in the absence of oxygen?

Magnesium can burn in the absence of oxygen if a strong oxidizing agent is present, such as chlorine or fluorine. These elements can react with magnesium to form metal halides, resulting in a combustion reaction.

Why is fluorine most electronegative than oxygen?

Electronegativity is an atoms relative ability to remove an electron pair in the formation of a covalent bond. I.e. an atoms ability to steal a pair of electrons from the outer ring of another atom to make a covalent bond, (like a contract to share electons in order to fill there outer shells and become stable) Across the periodic table (left to right) this gets harder to do due to an increase in attraction forces between the nuclear charge and the outer electons. Therefore across the periodic table 'more' electronegativity energy is required to remove those electrons. Down the periodic table, from top to bottom attraction forces between the electrons in the outer shell and the central nuclear charge decreases (shielding effect of sub levels and increased atomic radius), this make it easier for the electrons to be stolen, so there is less electronegativity required. Fluorine is the highest and furthest to the right, making it the most electronegative. (Helium and Neon etc have full outer shells so arent involved in covalent bonds)

What causes corrosion steal?

oxygen and carbon in the air

What groups of elements are more likely to steal electrons?

Non metals are likely to steal electron. They form anions.

What kind of bond is formed when atoms steal an electron from another atom?

An ionic bond.

Why is it easy for oxygen to react with other elements?

Oxygen is a really strong oxidizing agent, meaning it's really greedy with electrons. It really wants to become stable like the noble gases, who have completely filled electron shells. The only way to get electrons is to oxidize other elements and steal their electrons. That's why oxygen is so reactive.

What happens when a fluorine atom becomes a flouride ion in a chemical reaction?

When a fluorine atom gains an electron to become a fluoride ion in a chemical reaction, it becomes negatively charged. This extra electron fills the outer shell of the fluoride ion, making it more stable. Fluoride ions are often produced in reactions involving fluorine, such as in the formation of ionic compounds.

Why are cars more easier to steal?

Because you doesn't speak English good

Who is it easier to steal first base from left or right handed pitcher?

You can't steal first base. It's easier to steal second base off of a right handed pitcher because the right handed pitcher has his back to the runner on first, and therefore has a harder time trying to pick the runner off.

What compounds steal electrons?

DCPIP acts as an electron acceptor of a Hill Reacton. In this way, it "steals" electrons.