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blood carries the digested food through all parts of the body

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The Circulatory System

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Geruin Mangaoang

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Geruin Mangaoang

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Blood carries the materials throughout the body.

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Q: Who carries the digested food through all parts of the body?
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Related questions

What is plasma carrying as it goes through the body with blood?

It carries digested food and dead white blood cells.

What is the liquid part of the blood that carries nutrients from digested food?

The liquid part of the body that carries nutrients from the digested food is plasma.

What part of the blood carries digested food wastes and heat through the body?

The part of the blood that carries digested food wastes and heat through the body is the plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of blood that transports nutrients, waste products, and heat throughout the body. It also plays a vital role in maintaining the body's pH balance and helps in clotting.

How do solids liquids and gasses move through your body?

The blood carries them to all parts of the body

How does digested food go to all parts of the body?

Digested food does not go to all parts of the body. Food goes into the stomach where it is digested and then empties into the intestines to be eliminated.

Which are pathways through which blood carries food to all parts of the body?


What carries oxygen through your blood stream to different parts of your body?

Haemoglobin in your red blood cells carries the oxygen through your blood stream to different parts of your body. The carbon bi oxide comes dissolved in red blood cells as well as in plasma.

What small vessel and organ carries chemicals throughout the body?

The organ that is responsible for carrying chemicals through the body is the heart. This is because the heart pumps the blood which carries chemicals and oxygen to all body parts.

What carries food and oxygen to all parts of the body?

The circulatory system carries food (nutrients) and oxygen to all parts of the body. This system includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood, which work together to deliver these essential substances to cells and tissues.

Where is digested food first carried in the bloodstream?

off course in the small intestine and the goes through the circulation system to all parts of the body

The kind of food the body parts can get?

by the time the food is digested and reaches the body parts, it gets converted into simple substances.

What are the substances that are carried with the digested food to all parts of body?
