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Q: Who daughter is Clarisse in Percy Jackson?
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What is clarisse?

Clarisse is a girl in Percy Jackson. She is the daughter of Ares. She and Percy have a cold relationship.

In Percy Jackson and the lightning thief what is unique about Clarisse's sword?

Clarisse's sword is described as being a bronze blade that transforms into a lazer-guided electric spear when thrown. This is unique because it combines ancient bronze weaponry with advanced technological capabilities.

Who is Percy Jackson bully?

First, Nancy, then Clarisse, then Luke.

Is Clairesse in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

Clarisse is how you actually spell it...Yes, she is in the books. She is a daughter of Ares, and she stays in cabin 5 at Camp Half-Blood. Percy is her mortal enemy because in the first book:The Lightning Thief, Percy gets mad at Clarisse and soaks her with toilet water.

Who is going to play Clarisse in Percy Jackson?

It has not yet been confirmed who will be playing Clarisse in Percy Jackson, as she was not cast in the Lightning Thief. two people who havent been in anything are the front runners.

What is Clarisse's last name in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

Clarisse La Rue

Who will play Clarisse in Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Sea of Monsters?

Leven Rambin

What does clarisse look like from Percy Jackson series?

Percy describes her as aish shiva:stupid, ugly, and uber dumb

Who is ares in the lightning thief?

Ares is the God of War in Greek mythology and in the Percy Jackson books. Ares is also Clarisse's dad in the Percy Jackson books

Why isn't Clarisse at school?

Clarisse does go to school during the fall. In the short story in the Demigod files Percy Jackson finds her at school.

What is clarrise from Percy Jackson and the Olympians last name?

Clarisse De Rue is her full name.

Are they going to put Tyson and clarisse in the second Percy Jackson moive?

Since they were main characters, they probably will