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Q: Who decides how much money the US government will spend each year a. the president b. congress c. the supreme court?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Together Congress the President and the US Supreme Court make up what?

Congress, the President and the US Supreme Court are the leaders of the three branches of the US Government: Congress = Legislative Branch President = Executive Branch Supreme Court = Judicial Branch

Why is congress called the most powerful branch of the American government?

Because they have the power to make,amend, approve,and ratify ammendments.

What is the legislative branch of the national government?

I will go ahead and answer the three national branches of gov. in America Legislative-makes laws( Senate and the House of representatives) Judicial-judges the laws to see if they're constitutional(supreme court(mainly)) Executive-enforces or carries out the laws(Mainly president)

Which action best illustrates the system of checks and balances in the United States government?

When President proposes a bill, a congress (both House and Senate first have to approve it. Then the president can sign the bill into law or veto it. If he vetoes it, Congress can override the bill and make it a law. The Judicial branch, though, can declare it unconstitutional. War, or Treaties- President can make treaties and send troops, but Congress have to approve the treaty and war.

What are 2 examples of how checks and balances work in the federal government?

The first example is how congress checks the President: congress has to approve his cabinet appointments, Supreme Court appointees, and treaties. The President checks congress by having veto power over bills that they have passed.

Related questions

Who decides which laws are necessary and proper in the U.S system of government?

The US Congress debates and passes the laws, subject to approval by the President and the judgments of the Supreme Court.

Who group within the Federal Government has the authority to limit the president's inherent powers?

The Supreme Court

What is the Juditiory Branch of government?

The Judicial Branch of the government decides whether or not the laws created by the Legislative Branch are constitutional. This branch consists of the Supreme Court and all the lower federal courts. Supreme Court justices are appointed by the President and confirmed by Congress.

Together Congress the President and the US Supreme Court make up what?

Congress, the President and the US Supreme Court are the leaders of the three branches of the US Government: Congress = Legislative Branch President = Executive Branch Supreme Court = Judicial Branch

What are the Of government?

Executive-president Legislative-congress Judicial-supreme court

What are the brancehes of government?

Executive-president Legislative-congress Judicial-supreme court

What do the congress do?

Congress is the lawmaker branch of the national government. The Supreme Court, the president and Congress all share the power to create laws.

There are four branches of the American federal government?

three ! congress--supreme court-president

Why is congress called the most powerful branch of the American government?

Because they have the power to make,amend, approve,and ratify ammendments.

Who controlled the three branches of government?

Executive = President Legislative = Congress Judicial = Supreme Court

What principal of government do the first three articles of the constitution establish?

president, supreme court, Congress

What principal of the government do the first three articles of the constitution establish?

president, supreme court, Congress