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Q: Who determined that individual traits are determined by discrete ''factors'' in what year?
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Who determined that individual traits are determined by discrete factor' in what year?


What are some unique traits about Hades?

These are to be determined by the individual.

How is a trait determined?

A trait is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genes provide the instructions for traits, but how they are expressed can be influenced by environmental factors such as diet or stress. Additionally, some traits can be influenced by a combination of multiple genes working together.

What individual factors control traits?


What is a physical appearance of an individual is determined by the alleles that code for traits?


What does physical traits means?

Physical traits refer to characteristics that can be observed in an individual's physical appearance, such as height, weight, eye color, hair color, and facial features. These traits are determined by a combination of genetics and environmental factors.

Which discovery is credited to Gregor Mendel?

Gregor Mendel is credited with the discovery of the basic principles of heredity through his work with pea plants, which laid the foundation for the field of genetics. He demonstrated that inheritance follows certain patterns and is determined by discrete units that we now call genes.

What is Gregor Mendel's concept of unit character?

Gregor Mendel's concept of unit characters (or hereditary units) proposes that traits are determined by discrete units of inheritance that do not blend together. These units maintain their integrity through generations and are today known as genes. This idea forms the basis of classical genetics.

Are girls neater than boys?

Neatness is not determined by gender. It varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as upbringing, personal habits, and individual preferences. Both girls and boys can be neat or messy depending on their individual traits.

What are physical traits?

Physical traits refer to characteristics of an organism's physical appearance that are determined by genetic inheritance, such as hair color, eye color, height, and facial features. These traits are often observable and can vary from individual to individual within a population.

What might have cause Gregor Mendel NOT to conclude that biological inheritance is determined by factors that are passes from one generation to the next?

if the f14 pea plants had traits of neither parent Mendel might not have concluded that factors for traits are passed from one generation to the next

The idea that behavior is preprogrammed and biologically determined is?

referred to as biological determinism. It suggests that an individual's actions and traits are largely influenced by their biology, such as genes or neurological makeup, rather than environmental or social factors. This perspective has been criticized for oversimplifying human behavior and neglecting the impact of culture and individual experiences.