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The calendar we use today was made by the Romans under Julius Caesar, thus, it is called the Julian calendar.

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Q: Who developed calendar?
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Who developed the first accurate calendar?

The Egyptians developed the first accurate calendar.

A twelve-month calendar was developed during what dynasty?

A 12-month calendar was developed during the Shang Dynasty.

Who first developed the calendar used most today?

Romans first developed the calendar used most today

A twelve-month calendar was developed during the dynasty.?

A 12-month calendar was developed during the Shang Dynasty.

When was the calendar developed?

The calender was developed in the 8th Century by the Mayans.

The calendar used most widely today was developed by who?

The calendar used most widely today, the Gregorian calendar, was developed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. This calendar replaced the Julian calendar and is now the internationally accepted civil calendar.

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How was a modern calendar developed?

it wasnt

What is the achievements?

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Who developed the modern calendar?

The calendar was technically first invented by the Ancient Egyptians.

What calendars were developed by Chinese Egyptians and Hebrew the cycles of?

The Chinese developed the Chinese calendar and the Egyptian calendar, while the Hebrews developed the Hebrew calendar. These calendars were developed based on the cycles of the moon and the sun and were used for tracking time, religious observances, and agricultural purposes.

What twelve month calendar was developed during What dynasty?

It was the Romans who introduced the 12 month calendar commissioned by Julius Caesar and it was known as the Julian Calendar.