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Q: Who did Elijah anoint?
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When was Elijah Wood born?

Elijah Wood's birth name is Elijah Jordan Wood.

What is the birth name of Elijah Ostrow?

Elijah Ostrow's birth name is Elijah Jordan Ostrow.

Who is Elijah's best friend in Elijah of Buxton?


How tall is Elijah Ary?

Elijah Ary is 183 cm.

When was Elijah Benamozegh born?

Elijah Benamozegh was born in 1822.

Related questions

What is a sentence for the word anoint?

The word "anoint" is defined as the smearing of oils as a religious rite. An example of a sentence using the word "anoint" is "The archbishop prepared to anoint the new king. "

How do you use anoint in a sentence?

The pastor had to anoint the sick man.

Who is Hazael?

Hazael (Hebrew Hazael, meaning "God has seen") was a court official and later an Aramean king who appeared in the Bible. He was first referred to by name in 1 Kings 19 when God told the prophet Elijah to anoint him king over Syria.

What is a sentence using the word anoint?

The political party was divided over who to anoint as their leader. As part of the religious rite, the priest would recite the blessing and anoint the believer's head with sacred oil.

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How do you anoint teen's bedroom?

pray over it

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Who was Elisha?

Elisha was a prominent prophet in the Hebrew Bible who was a disciple of the prophet Elijah. He is known for performing miracles and acts of kindness, and for his close relationship with God. Elisha's story is recorded in the Book of Kings.

What awards did Elijah of Buxton get?

Elijah of buxton awards Elijah of buxton awards

Elijah and Elisha who older?


How did elisha submit to Elijah?

Elisha submitted to Elijah by leaving his life as a farmer and following Elijah as his servant and apprentice. He showed his dedication and willingness to learn from Elijah by faithfully serving him and eventually receiving a double portion of Elijah's spirit when Elijah was taken up to heaven.

How many syllables does anoint have?

There are two syllables. A-noint.