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Q: Who did Li Cunxin go to America with?
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Related questions

When was Cunxin Li born?

Cunxin Li was born in 1961, in Qingdao, Shandong, China.

What is Li Cunxin's birthday?

Li Cunxin was born on January 26, 1961.

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What is li cunxin's brothers names?

(in order from oldest youngest) 1. Cuncia 2.Cunyuan 3.Cunmano 3.Cunsang 4.Cunfar 5.Cunxin 6.Cungui (In China your first name is like your last name in America so the name Li is Cunxin's family name and Cunxin is his "first name")

Which of li cunxin's brothers was adopted by his uncle?

Li Cunxiao

What are li cunxin's parents called?

His parents are called Li Tingfan and Li Reiqing

What year was Li cunxin's defection?


When did Li Cunxin marry Mary mckendrie?


What is so special about Li Cunxin?

Li Cunxin was born in communist China and was trained as a dancer from the age 11. When he was 16 he was chosen to come to America and fell in love with the country. He later defected from china and became a dancing star. He eventually moved to Australia and has married and had 3 kids

In what year was Li Cunxin born?

Li Cunxin, the Chinese-Australian former ballet dancer, stockbroker and current Artistic Director of the Queensland Ballet, was born on 26th January 1961.

What was the hometown of Li Cunxin?

He is from the Li Commune which is near the city Qingdao. This is in the Shandong Province of China.

How did teacher Xiao inspire Li cunxin?

He told him inspirational stories, what ballet really is about, told him that he had to make extreme goals to achieve to be the best and mad li cunxin work really hard