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Q: Who did nadia boulanger Mary?
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How old was Nadia Boulanger at death?

Nadia Boulanger died on October 22, 1979 at the age of 92.

What is the birth name of Nadia Walden?

Nadia Walden's birth name is Nadia Mary Walden.

When was Lili Boulanger born?

Lili Boulanger died in 1918.

Is Pierre Boulanger French?

Yes , Pierre Boulanger is French.

When was Clément Boulanger born?

Clément Boulanger was born in 1805.

Related questions

With whom did Copland study composition?

He studied with Nadia Boulanger in Paris.

What is Nadia Boulanger's birthday?

Nadia Boulanger was born on September 16, 1887.

When was Nadia Boulanger born?

Nadia Boulanger was born on September 16, 1887.

When did Nadia Boulanger die?

Nadia Boulanger died on October 22, 1979 at the age of 92.

How old was Nadia Boulanger at death?

Nadia Boulanger died on October 22, 1979 at the age of 92.

How old is Nadia Boulanger?

Nadia Boulanger was born on September 16, 1887 and died on October 22, 1979. Nadia Boulanger would have been 92 years old at the time of death or 127 years old today.

Did liszt work with nadia boulanger?

No, Liszt died in 1886 and Boulanger was born in 1887.

Who did nadia boulanger get married to?

she never got married

Who was Aaron Copland's composition teacher?

Nadia Boulanger

Where did Aaron Copland study music?

He studied with Nadia Boulanger in Paris.

I wish to add the name Eleanor Caluori as a student of Nadia Boulanger in your articles about Nadia Boulanger?

Yes, Eleanor Caluori was a student in Fontainebleau in the summer of 1961. She and I became good friends that summer. We both were studying with Nadia Boulanger. I would like to get in touch with her now. It is possible that her married name was Venables, but I have no proof of that. My studies were double, organ with Nadia Boulanger and composition with Boulanger, too. When I was studying in 1961 my name was Florence Robertson, but about 20 years ago I got my maiden name back legally and now my name is Florence Hiatt. Another friend there that summer was Phyllis Stringham, an organ pupil of Boulanger, too. The last I knew Phyllis Stringham was living in Waukesha, Wisconsin. I would love hearing from them or any others from that beautiful French summer. Florence Robertson Hiatt This question was asked some time ago. Now I will add that Eleanor is married and her name is now Eleanor Caluori Venables. I also would like to edit the list of pupils of Nadia Boulanger that I do know about. How can I get to that list for editing purposes? firstwoman

Can you give facts about Aaron Copland?

He studied with Nadia Boulanger. He was the youngest of five children He died of Alzheimer disease