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Q: Who died from the temptations today or yesterday?
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What does today is yesterday after mean?

It means that today is the same as tomorrow's yesterday, and that it is the same as yesterday's tomorrow.The day after yesterday is today, because today is what comes after yesterday. Do you get it now?

What is today when tomorrow is yesterday and today is next week?


If today is yesterday and yesterday is today, what is tomorrow?

Today is tomorrow.

What is today if yesterday is yesterday and today is tomorrow?

Today is tomorrow.

if today is yesterday than what is yesterday today?


If today's tomorrow was tomorrows yesterday what would today be?

Today would be yesterday.

When does yesterday come after today?

Well, If you look in a dictionary, the word Today comes before Yesterday. Hope this helps.

If tomorrow is today what was yesterday?

The answer is today. The answer is always today, it was the same yesterday and it will be the same tomorrow.

When was Today Is Yesterday created?

Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday was created in 2008.

Where is yesterday always after today?

Yesterday is always after today in a dictionary.

Why is it today?

because it is not yesterday because it is not yesterday because it is not yesterday

What yesterday was and what tomorrow will be?

today Before yesterday passed, it was today. When tomorrow comes, it will be today.