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Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen and Norman Lockyer&Edward Frankland in 1868.

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Sir William ramsay 1895 contributed to the process as did Joseph lockyer 1869

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2mo ago

Helium was first discovered by the French astronomer Jules Janssen and the British astronomer Joseph Norman Lockyer in 1868. They observed it as a yellow spectral line in the light of the sun during a solar eclipse.

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Q: Who discovered helium and when did they discover it?
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When did Pierre Janssen discover helium?

Pierre Janssen discovered helium in 1868 during a solar eclipse while observing spectral lines in the sun's corona.

Who discover the helium?

the one who discovered helium is Pierre jules Cesar or if you go on Google they'd say Pierre jansaan

What day did Pierre Janssen discover helium?

Pierre Janssen discovered helium on August 18, 1868 during a solar eclipse in Guntur, India.

Helium was discovered in the sun before it was discovered on earth. How?

Helium was discovered in the sun specroscopically

When did they discover helium?


What is the simple past of discover?

The simple past of "discover" is "discovered."

Helium was discovered as component of the?

Helium was first discovered as a component of the sun before being discovered on earth. Hence the name.

What year was helium discovered in?

Helium was discovered in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen during a solar eclipse while observing the sun's spectrum.

What is the past participle of discover?

The past participle of "discover" is "discovered."

What year was Helium?

Helium was discovered in 1895 by William Ramsay.

How did Sir Norman Lockyer discover helium?

Sir Norman Lockyer discovered helium in 1868 in the spectrum of the sun during a solar eclipse. He noticed a yellow line in the sun's spectrum that did not correspond to any known element at the time, leading to the discovery of the new element helium.

What year was helium discovered?

Helium was discovered in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen during a solar eclipse. It was later independently discovered on Earth in 1895 by Scottish chemist Sir William Ramsay.