

Who discovered the elements in the periodic table?

Updated: 6/7/2024
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Audie Beatty

Lvl 10
4y ago

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In the prehistoric times;impossible to know: gold or silver, Mercury or copper, sulfur or carbon.

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Kody Nienow

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2y ago
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6d ago

Various scientists contributed to the discovery of elements in the Periodic Table. Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with creating the modern periodic table in 1869, while specific elements have been discovered by scientists over the years through experiments and research. Some notable scientists include Marie Curie, who discovered radium and polonium, and Glenn T. Seaborg, who discovered several transuranium elements.

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13y ago

Bromine Br Antoine Jérôme Balard 1826

Fluorine F Ferdinand Frédéric Henri Moissan 1886

Chlorine Cl Carl Wilhelm Scheele 1774

Iodine I Bernard Courtois 1811

Astate At Dale Corson, K.R.MacKenzie, Emilio Segrè (artificial) 1940

Bertha Karlih, Traude Bernert (natural) 1943

Ununseptium Uus A big group of scientists 2010

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11y ago

Bromine was discovered by Antoine Balard in 1825 with data published in 1826..

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14y ago

Joseph Henri Moissan

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How many blank spaces were in mendeleeves periodic table?

There were 3 blank spaces in mendeleev's Periodic Table. He left it for the elements which were not discovered at that time.

What do the long dashes represent on mendeleev's periodic table?

The long dashes on Mendeleev's periodic table represent gaps where elements had not yet been discovered but were predicted to exist based on the periodic pattern of elements. Mendeleev used these gaps to accurately predict the properties of the missing elements, leading to the discovery of new elements.

How many elements is in the periodic table of elements?

All together there are 118 elements on the periodic table, 94 of which occur naturally on earth. They do also show a wide format of periodic table with additional elements that have not been discovered, isolated, or synthesized on earth.

Why did Medellev leave gaps in the periodic table?

Medellev left gaps in the periodic table to account for elements that had not yet been discovered. He predicted the properties of these missing elements based on the known trends and patterns in the table. This foresight and organization laid the groundwork for the future discovery of elements that filled those gaps.

What important scientific discovery did dimitri mendeleev make about materials?

Dmitri Mendeleev discovered the periodic law and created the first version of the periodic table of elements, organizing known elements by increasing atomic mass and predicting properties of undiscovered elements.

Related questions

Who discovered a pattern to the elements of the periodic table in 1869?

Demitri Mendeleev discovered a pattern to the periodic table in 1869.

What are the elements of a cola that can be found in your periodic table?

All of them, the periodic table has all of the elements the human discovered or made..

Are the element sin the periodic table the only elements discovered?

Yes. The elements in the Periodic Table are the only elements that have been discovered. However, we are still discovering and synthesising more elements.

How many elements are included on the modern periodic table?

There are 117 elements on the periodic table, however, there is one blank spot that lies on the periodic table of elements, it has the atomic number of 117. If it were discovered, there would be 118 elements on the periodic table of elements.

108 E in the P T?

That stands for "One hundred eight Elements in the Periodic Table", but this is now obsolete. As of 2008, at least 117 elements have been discovered.

Are only the most important elements included in the periodic table?

no. all elements discovered (and proposed) are included in the periodic table

Who wrote or found the periodic table of elements?

The periodic table of elements was created by Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, in 1869. He arranged the elements based on their atomic mass and properties, and left gaps for elements that were yet to be discovered. Over time, new elements were discovered and added to the periodic table by various scientists.

How many blank spaces were in mendeleeves periodic table?

There were 3 blank spaces in mendeleev's Periodic Table. He left it for the elements which were not discovered at that time.

How many elements were there on the periodic table in 1960?

There were 102 known elements on the periodic table in 1960.

Who made the periodic table and why?

Dmitri Mendeleev made the periodic table. He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements. Using the table, he predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered.

Where are all the elements that have been discovered listed?

In the periodic table

Who discovered the symbols in the periodic table of elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev