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Q: Who do we gather signatures from in nominations by petition?
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What did Brian on Family Guy do to prevent a ban on same-sex marriage?

He managed to get ten thousand signatures on a petition which he presented to Mayor West. When Mayor West ignored the petition Brian took him hostage.

What event in 1970 turned new zealand into a nation of environmentalists?

Almost 10% of New Zealand's population signed the Save Manapouri petition, garnering 264,907 signatures in 1970.

What actors have won 8 or more Academy Awards?

I'm including actresses, because there are only 2 male actors: Meryl Street- 15 nominations, 2 wins. Katharine Hepburn- 12 nominations, 4 wins. Jack Nicholson- 12 nominations, 3 wins. Bette Davis- 10 nominations, 2 wins. Laurence Olivier- 10 nominations (for acting), 1 win.

What actors and actresses have seven Oscar nominations?

As of January 24, 2017, 24 performers have been nominated for seven or more Academy Awards for acting:1. Meryl Streep (19 nominations, three wins).2. Katharine Hepburn (12 nominations, four wins).3. Jack Nicholson (12 nominations, three wins).4. Bette Davis (10 nominations, two wins).5. Sir Laurence Olivier (10 nominations, one win).6. Spencer Tracy (nine nominations, two wins).7. Paul Newman (nine nominations, one win).8. Marlon Brando (eight nominations, two wins).9. Jack Lemmon (eight nominations, two wins).10. Al Pacino (eight nominations, one win).11. Geraldine Page (eight nominatons, one win).12. Peter O'Toole (eight nominations, no wins).13. Ingrid Bergman (seven nominations, three wins).14. Robert De Niro (seven nominations, two wins).15. Jane Fonda (seven nominations, two wins).16. Dustin Hoffman (seven nominations, two wins).17. Cate Blanchett (seven nominations, two wins).18. Denzel Washington (seven nominations, two wins).19. Greer Garson (seven nominations, one win).20. Dame Judi Dench (seven nominations, one win).21. Robert Duvall (seven nominations, one win).22. Kate Winslet (seven nominations, one win).23. Jeff Bridges (seven nominations, one win).24. Richard Burton (seven nominations, no wins).

What are the two movies from the 2009 Academy Awards that had the most nominations?

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 13 Nominations, Won 3 Slumdog Millionaire - 10 Nominations, Won 8

Related questions

Nominations by petition is done by gathering signatures from?

People are not nominated by petition.

If the legislature passes a law that citizens don't like they may gather signatures to demand a popular vote on the law This is called a?


What are the petitions to nominate candidates?

This may not be what you want to know. In states that have primaries for nominations, in order to get on the ballot a petition must be submiitted along with a few. The amount of the fee and the number of signatures on the petition varies with the state. Of course, the is also a deadline for the submission.

How many signatures are needed on a petition?

The number of signatures needed to pass a petition will depend on what type of petition it is and how it was set up at the beginning. There is no specific number as to how many signatures are needed for a petition to pass.

What is a list of signatures?

if it is for a cause its a petition

How many signatures do you have to get on a petition for the Australian government to look at it?

Probably once you get around 1,000 signatures you may be able to get your petition noticed.

What is a sentence using the word petition?

A petition is a request by one or more individuals for the purpose of evoking change in politics, culture, legal avenues, or social situations."The homeowners' association will covene this Saturday to promote its petition seeling repair of our cracked sidewalks.""All 300 students at the school signed a petition against the introduction of school uniforms."

What happens when you petition something?

When you petition something, you are formally requesting action or change from a person or organization. Petitions can be used to raise awareness, gather support for a cause, or influence decision-making processes. The impact of a petition depends on factors such as the number of signatures collected, the relevance of the issue, and the willingness of the targeted party to respond.

How many signatures are needed on a petition in Ohio?


How many people signed William wilberforces' petition?

wiliam wilberforces petition contained 10,639 signatures

What does petitioned?

A petition is a list of signatures in support of, or against something.

Where can someone petition to lower the drinking age?

There are several petitions already started to have the drinking age lowered, but if you would like to start your own petition, there are websites that can help you do this. Go Petition is a website that allows you to start your own petition after you sign up to join their website. If you would like to start a petition the old fashioned way, you just need to write a paragraph describing what the issue is you would like to change, and then you need to gather signatures.