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Q: Who does lombard suspect is the murderer?
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Use suspect in a sentence?

I suspect that he is the murderer As in I think he is the murderer. there were 5 suspects in the police department, but none of them were actually the murderer. There were five people that the police thought were the murderers, but they really weren't.

Why did Doug suspect that the murderer have been a doctor?

he didnt

Ten Little Indian hpw does captin Philip lombard die?

In the novel "Ten Little Indians" by Agatha Christie, Captain Philip Lombard is shot by Vera Claythorne, who believes him to be the murderer based on the poem and clues presented. It is revealed later in the story that Lombard was innocent and was not responsible for the murders on the island.

What do Armstrong Blore and Lombard discover in and then there were none?

Armstrong and Lombard discover that the person they thought was the murderer, Mrs. Rogers, was later found dead in her room. This revelation leads them to realize that the killer must still be among them on the island.

Kojak who was the murderer on Marcus nelson murders?

The murderer is never positively identified, but if you watched the movie closely, you should have come to the same conclusion as Kojak; that Teddy Hopper was the real murderer, although Kojak did not suspect him at first. And there were other clues as well.

Was the murderer of Dian Fossey prosecuted?

No, the murderer of Dian Fossey was never caught or prosecuted. Her murder remains unsolved.

What does lombard guess to be the true situation with the motorboat in and then there were none?

Lombard suspects that someone among the guests has sabotaged the motorboat to strand them on the island, creating the perfect opportunity for the murderer to continue their killings undetected. He believes the killer is using the boat as a way to control the group and carry out their plan of murder.

What is person accused of a crime called?

There are a few names. Suspect, Person of Interest, and Defendant to name a few Murderer,Robber,Rapist,Killer

Who is the murderer in jagged edge?

It was murder suspect Jack Forrester (Jeff Bridges), although the camera shot of this revelation confused many moviegoers.

What is the birth name of Kim Lombard?

Kim Lombard's birth name is Kim A. Lombard.

Why does Lombard suspect wargrave?

Lombard suspects Wargrave because he sees him as a mysterious character with a commanding presence, who could potentially be behind the murders on the island due to his background as a judge and his understanding of human psychology. Additionally, Wargrave's calm demeanor and ability to manipulate others raise suspicions about his true intentions.