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Q: Who does the cartoonist suggest is responsible for the farmers plight?
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What actors and actresses appeared in The Plight of Mayor Huxtable - 2007?

The cast of The Plight of Mayor Huxtable - 2007 includes: Tim Booker as Henry Billingsworth Aaron Russell as Steven Stevenson

What actors and actresses appeared in Stage Plight - 1966?

The cast of Stage Plight - 1966 includes: Dayton Allen as Various Beverly Arnold as Flora Fly Larry Best as Various Hetty Galen as Various Jack Mercer as Various

What are the release dates for Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal - 2011 Kite Plight Part 2 2-24?

Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal - 2011 Kite Plight Part 2 2-24 was released on: USA: 10 August 2013

Why did Steinbeck write about poor people?

John Steinbeck grew up during the Great Depression and was sympathetic to the plight of the poor and wrote about their many experiences during those trying times .

Why Does Magneto in X Men hate humans?

Much of it comes from his background as a Holocaust Survivor. He saw that the plight of the muntants bore many similarities to the Jews leading up the Holocaust as such he strove to prevent that from happening to his people again.

Related questions

Which factor contributed to the plight of farmers?

Many factors contribute to the plight of farmers including weather, insect populations, and seed pricing. The pricing of other commodities including fertilizer and gasoline can also contribute to the plight of farmers.

What caused the farmers plight in the late nineteenth century and how did farmers propose to resolve these problems?

The economic depression caused the farmers plight in the late nineteenth century. This had caused them to pay excessive shipping and storage prices. The farmers proposed to resolve these problems by taking control of the government so as to regulate these prices.

How did the grange movement improve the plight of farmers?

forcing railroads to lower their rates

The plight of American farmers during the depression was magnified by?

a. devastating droughts and dust storms throughout the 1930s.

How did the administration of Theodore roosevelt respond to the farmers plight?

Anti-trust used to break up big railroads

How did banks contribute to the farmers plight?

If you mean in America, banks contributed to the farmer's plight by demanding payment for the investments they made for the mortgages of the farmers. The problem was that the price of crops dropped significantly during the nineteenth century, so farmers needed to work ridiculously hard to gather enough crops to pay off their creditors while the currency deflated, meaning there would be less money around for them to use in the first place.

Did farmers suffer financial hardship in the 1920s?

Actually you'll find the farmers that hadn't mechanized there farms or if their farms were relatively small, they suffered a terrible hardship because of many reasons like the fact that some over produced things so the prices went down and they got paid less. So many had to sell their farms to pay off debts or the like.

A sentence for plight?

He grabbed his pen and wrote down his plight. There was a small plight with the engine. The mom cleaned the plight on the young girl's knee.

What government agency is responsible for the aral sea and its plight?

The government of Uzbekistan is responsible for the Aral Sea. The UN and several other world agencies are working to stabilize the quickly declining area.

Sentence for plight?

I give a plight to vote

How and why was the plight of the American farmer so different from that of other Americans?

The plight of the American farmer was different from other Americans because they faced unique challenges such as fluctuating crop prices, debt from purchasing expensive equipment, and unpredictable weather. Farmers also dealt with isolation in rural areas and had limited access to resources that urban Americans enjoyed. These factors often led to financial struggles and hardships for many farmers.

How do you use the word plight in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.I felt sympathy for his plight.The plight of endangered species should touch everyone.The couple will plight their troth next week.