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Q: Who does victor imagine will attack Elizabeth in Frankenstein?
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Are Elizabeth and victor biological brother and sister in the book Frankenstein?

no, Elizabeth is not a Frankenstein, merely a ward of the family. That's why its okay for Victor to marry her.

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What is victor frankenstein's mother's dying wish?

That Victor and Elizabeth marry in the future

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who did elizabeth marry victor frankenstein

In Frankenstein Victor's mother catches scarlet fever from?

it was Victor Frankenstein's mother who cought the scarlet fever from elizabeth and died. Elizabeth's biological mother was simply mentioned to have died and the frankensteins adopted her

Who dies on Victor frankenstein wedding night?

Yes he does

When victor frankenstein returns home with clerval what news does he receive frol elizabeth?

Elizabeth informs Victor that William has been murdered.

How many died in Shelley's Frankenstein and who were they?

Victor Frankenstein and his wife (Elizabeth). And several others: -Henry Clerval -- Victor's long-time childhood friend -William Frankenstein -- Victor's little brother -Justine -- Victor's sister. And some others I can't remember.

What terrible dream did Victor Frankenstein have minutes after completing his creature?

Victor Frankenstein dreams that he kisses Elizabeth in the streets of Ingolstadt, but she changes in his arms into his mother's corpse.

What is the climax of the story Frankenstein and why?

The murder of Elizabeth Lavenza on the night of her wedding to Victor Frankenstein. This is because this is the moment where Victor's emotions begin to veer, and it causes conflict internally, and externally with his monster, Frankenstein.

What is Elizabeth's last name in Frankenstein?

Elizabeth is Victors wife, and she loves him, but is often annoyed by his scientific pursuits.

Who dies in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, William Frankenstein, Justine Moritz, Henry Clerval, Elizabeth Lavenza-Frankenstein, and Victor Frankenstein (the protagonist) die. Though he does not die anytime WITHIN the novel, the monster is said to had departed for the northernmost ice to purposefully die after its creator (Victor) had died.