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Q: Who easily defeated the democratic candidate for the presidency in 1908?
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Who easily defeated the demorcratic candidate for the presidency in 1908?

William Howard Taft

Who easily defeated the democratic canidate for the presidency in 1908?

William Howard Taft

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No, there were no significant challengers from within the Democratic Party to Bill Clinton during his reelection campaign for his second term as president in 1996. Clinton easily secured the Democratic nomination and ran unopposed within his own party.

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Easily is an adverb. It tells how the Cowboys defeated the Lions.

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Undefeatable means you cannot be defeated that easily. Unable to be defeated, destroyed or killed!

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because they were out gunned

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James Monroe easily defeated Federalist Rufus King in the presidential election.

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Which Greek city - there were over 2,000 of them. He certainly defeated Thebes and Athens.

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300s B.C

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