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Q: Who elected senators in 1789?
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In which year did the first US Senate meet?

1788... 21 U. S. Senators took office on 4 March 1789. 12 of them were elected in 1788, and nine of them were elected in 1789.

What year was George Washington elected the first president of the US?

George Washington was elected president of the United States in 1789 and again in 1792. His first election spanned the period from November, 1788 to early 1789, and Congress officially certified the electoral vote on April 6, 1789.

How are senators are elected by the governors of the states?

Senators are elected by the people.

Where are senators elected from?

Senators are elected by the voters of the State in which they reside.

Senators and Representatives are elected by a?

Senators and Representatives are elected by a

What is the portion of senators elected?

All senators are elected. There are no senators that are appointed to the position. This is true for both state and federal senators.

What important actions did the first congress take in 1789?

In 1789, the First Congress elected House of Representatives and Senators. The electoral votes were counted and George Washington became the first President of the United States.

How were senators elected after the 17th amendment?

The state Legislature elected the Senators be for the 17th admendment.

When are senators elected elected?

On every full moon, senators have to be relocated, and new senators have to be voted in. So, generally, about every month we have new senators.

George Washington was elected President in what year?

He was elected president in 1789.

When George Washington was elected to be a president?

He was elected in 1789 and again in 1792.

Who was the elected first president of united states in 1789?

The elected first president of the United States in 1789 was George Washington.