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Piggy finds the spectacles in Lord of the Flies. He uses them to start the signal fire and later relies on them to see clearly.

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Q: Who finds piggy spectacles in Lord of the Flies?
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In Lord of the Flies who finds Piggy's specs?

Simon retrieved Piggy's spectacles after Jack had knocked them off, when he had smacked Piggy across the head.

Who has the spectacles in Lord of the Flies?

Piggy is the character who has the spectacles in "Lord of the Flies." The spectacles symbolize civilization and intellect in the story.

What is the best human invention in the world?

The wheel. Spectacles and contact lenses have to be up there. Just ask Piggy from 'lord of the flies. I couldn't live without them'

What are some of piggy's health problems lord of the flies?

Piggy has three physical afflictions...1) He is, and I quote, 'Very fat.'2) He wears thick spectacles and has difficulty seeing without them3) He is asthmatic

In Lord of the Flies chapter 4 who finds Piggys glasses for him?

Simon retrieved Piggy's glasses for him, after they had fallen onto the rocks as a result of Jack punching Piggy.

What does piggy spectacles symbolises in lord of the flies?

Piggy's spectacles symbolize reason, knowledge, intellect, and civilization in "Lord of the Flies." They are used to start fires, representing the power of science and technology to control and maintain order in society. When the spectacles are stolen and broken, it signifies the collapse of civilization and the descent into savagery.

What is Ralph unable to report that the british officer finds a bit hard to understand in lord of the flies?

That they killed Piggy and Simon with their bare hands

What does Piggys glasses symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

Piggy's glasses symbolise technology and science, they are also an outward indication of Piggy's intelligence. The glasses are the technology which provides the boys with fire. Piggy's spectacles are also the means by which Piggy is able to see clearly, both in reality and metaphorically.

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