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Some how I read from a journal..and also from a monthly magazine namely "WISDOM" that the term "Third World" first coined by India's First Prime Minister - Jawaharlal Nehru.

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Q: Who first coined the term third world?
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Which explorer coined the term ''the new world''?

It was not an explorer that coined the term 'New World', it was actually the Spanish scholar Peter Martyr d'Anghiera who first coined the term 'New World' (novi orbis) in a letter dated November 1st, 1492 in which he referred to Columbus first voyage to America

Who first used the term Third World?

I came to know from a School syllabus book that the term "Third World" first used by ---Franis Frenol..

How did US became of the First World?

It's unclear really who coined the terms first, second, and third world. They were commonly used during the Cold War to refer to capitalist countries, communist countries, and all remaining countries, respectively. Since the US was the leading capitalist country during the Cold War, they got to be the First World...and probably because someone in the US coined the term.

What is the meaning of first second and third world?

The first world, also referred to as the free world, refers to democratic and economically developed countries. It's also frequently known as the West, though it also includes other countries like Australia. The second world referred to Communist countries. The third world, also known as the developing world, refers to countries which have far less stable and developed political and economic systems. After the end of the Cold War the terms first and second world generally fell out of use, and the term "developing countries" is now used more frequently than the "third world," which is sometimes seen as an offensive term.

What is it meant by the term the third world?

It means people in a third world have a different way of living then us, meaning they dont have as good of a life of us. North Korea is a third world country because no one knows what is inside of it because they block people in & out. Haiti is a third world contry because it doesn't have electricity and cool stuff like we do. It's a REAL poor contry, man. The third world is a term that started right after WW2 during the cold war. It was meant to represent the states that weren't alligned either with the Soviet-Communist side or the US/NATO-Capitalist side. Under that definition many well-developed and rich countries are third world because they are neutral. It was used to show the seperations in economy, politics and society. Capitalist-First world, Communist-Second world, everyone else-Third world. As it was mostly poor countries that were non-aligned, the term became more associated with poor countries and so the more modern concept of third world came into being.

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Which explorer coined the term ''the new world''?

It was not an explorer that coined the term 'New World', it was actually the Spanish scholar Peter Martyr d'Anghiera who first coined the term 'New World' (novi orbis) in a letter dated November 1st, 1492 in which he referred to Columbus first voyage to America

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Countries known as 'third world' are considered "developing nations" (i.e. Latin Amerca, Africa etc.) 'First world' countries are industrialized or 'advanced' nations (i.e. United States, Western Europe etc.) 'Second world' was a term coined for the U.S.S.R. when in existence, but with it's dissolution the term is now hardly used.

Who first used the term Third World?

I came to know from a School syllabus book that the term "Third World" first used by ---Franis Frenol..

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Murray Bookchin, activist and libertarian socialist. Wikipedia does not list when Murray Bookchin first coined the term. In 1980 he coined another term, "libertarian municipalism".

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It's unclear really who coined the terms first, second, and third world. They were commonly used during the Cold War to refer to capitalist countries, communist countries, and all remaining countries, respectively. Since the US was the leading capitalist country during the Cold War, they got to be the First World...and probably because someone in the US coined the term.

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