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Electricity occurs naturally in lightning and static, which must have caused wonderment for many years.

It was known how to make batteries for many years, by pioneers such as Micheal Faraday, Voltair, Leclanche and Franklin.

But no one knew what to use it for.

There is even suspicion that a mysterious pot found in Baghdad, dating back thousands of years, could have been an early battery. known as the 'Baghdad battery'.

Electricity was known about for centuries, but no one knew what it was, it's relationship with magnetism, or what to use it for, until the 1800's.

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Michael Faraday discovered the electrical energy,in 1831.

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Bergman Franklin

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Q: Who found out about electricity?
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Why can static electricity not to be used to run a television?

static electricity is static electricity

Where do electromagnets in hydroelectric plants get their electricity?

they get it from static electricity by being touched then h2o and carbon get to it and they get there electricity

What is an insulator of electricity?

a insulator of electricity is a material that insulates, especialy a nonconuctor of sound,heat,or electricity.

Which is easier to extract iron or aluminum?

Aluminium needs electricity to extract it in big amounts, so it was only after electricity was discovered that aluminum could be produced. Iron ore is found in Europe and is also quite straight forward to extract the metal using rudimentary processes. The use of metals were generally first used in Europe. Aluminium is found mostly outside Europe and the extraction process is very complex and requires huge amounts of heat energy (usually supplied using electricity) that early man just couldn't make at the temperatures and timescales required. In the 1800's aluminum was more expensive then gold was because of the difficulties in obtaining it. It exists in nature as a compound and is not found in a natural state. The earlies metals such as Iron can be found in lumps of meteorites and deposits, usually heavily oxidized, but easily smelted in fires.

How was electricity dicovered?

Electricity is an important aspect of life. The earliest record of bioelectricity(a form of electricity) dates back to 1791 by Luigi Galvani.

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Who are founder of electricity?

electricity was found by Benjamin Franklin

Can solar electricity be found?

Solar electricity comes from the sun. So yes it can be found in the sky.

What were Benjamin Franklin 's contribution to the study of electricity?

He found electricity to be natural in nature and is known as the inventor of electricity.

Where is biomass energy found and how is it transferred into electricity?

it can be found on earths crust

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he found out about magnetism

Who discovered static electricity and how?

It has been found that thomas r becket has been the discoverer of not only static electricity but also electricity.

When did Benjamin Fanklin make the discovery of electricity and how?

Benjamin Franklin found out lighting was electricity in 1789

What is an good conductor to heat and electricity?

Copper is metal found in nature which is a good conductor of heat and electricity.

Oersted found a connection between magnetism and what?


What type of electricity is found in batteries?

direct current

From where did Thomas Edison get the electricity for his light bulb?

He didn't get electricity, he studied it and also found men who helped Thomas Edison get electricity for his light bulb