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Stan Lee thought him up while he was writing comics

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Q: Who got the idea of Spider-Man?
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How does Spider-Man get his name?

Spiderman got his name in the movie Spiderman because he was entering a wrestling match.Peter thought of the name "The Human Spiderman. But the host came up with a better name the one you know and love"Spiderman"!

Can you have some info on Spider-Man?

Spiderman is just a normal kid till he got bite by a spider that its genetically mutated and that is how he became spiderman

In what Spiderman movie did the black Spiderman first appear?

spiderman first got the black suit at the end of the secret wars number 8

What are the names of the Spider-Man movies?

Spiderman, Spiderman 2, Spiderman 3, and recently the Amazing Spiderman

How did the Hulk transform from human to monster?

because he got bitten by a spider and turned into SPIDERMAN :b

What types of Spider-Man are there?

There is spiderman 2099, spiderman noir, Captain Universe (spiderman), spiderman when he wore a fantastic four costume, symbiote spiderman, spider-carnage, armour spiderman, man-spider, spiderman 2211, spiderman with ock's machine arms, amazing spiderman, scarlett spider, spiderman unlimited, ben reilly and peter Parker. Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood spiderman ;)

What list of all the Spider-Man ps2 games?

spiderman web of shadow ultimate spiderman spiderman 3 spiderman 2 spiderman

Why is spidermans mask red?

Because spiderman mask is red.

Do you think they'll ever come out with a Lego Spider-Man Video Game If so when?

Lego only had the rights to Spiderman for the first 2 movies. Mega Blocks got it away from them for Spiderman 3. Activision was in the early development stages of making a Lego Spiderman game, however once Lego lost the rights to Spiderman they turned that game into Spiderman: Friend or Foe. If you have ever played this game you will notice that it has a lot of the same feel as a Lego game.

Is Spiderman stronger than Rapunzel?

Yes. Spiderman is smarter than her too. Spiderman has webs. Spiderman would win Rapunzel in a fight.

How old is spiderman in ultimate spiderman?

Well he is 176 years old in ultimate spiderman, kiddy"

How does the Spiderman song sound like?

The Spiderman song sings "Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size. Catches thieves, just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spiderman".