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Q: Who invented the calendars you use today?
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What did the egyptians invent that you use today?

Ancient Egyptians invented many things that are still used today, including makeup, hair removal techniques, and calendars. They also invented plows and toothpaste.

How many calendars are still in use today?

Like anyone knows that?!

Which countries invented solar calendars?

Many countries invented and used solar calendars, because it was one of the most apparent observable incidents in daily life. They became almost universal in one form or another. Modifications were introduced such as lunar calendars and joint solar/lunar calendars.

Who first used calendars?

The Maya - they invented it.

How did the Romans use calendars?

The same way we do today. Our calender comes to us from Julius Cesar and the month of August is named for him.

When were the pads you use today invented?


When did calendars stop being made?

They didn't, calendars are still being made today. Source: My mailbox is full of them.

How many calendars did the Olmecs use?

The Olmecs used 3 calendars.

What was the belief of the ancient Hindu's about the calendars?

Ancient Hindus generally made use of lunar calendars and solar calendars.

What did the Romans make that you still use today?

The Romans actually invented concrete! We still use that today. They also invented roads. The Roman people invented the making of wine and how to do it. Romans had and used libraries and the building design of Roman buildings are still in use today.

What did the lydians invent that you still use today?

The Lydians are credited with inventing coin currency, which is still widely used today as a form of money and exchange. This innovation revolutionized trade and economics.

How are calendars different from calendars that historians use?

CHANGE In temperature climate time