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Dahlia flowers were not invented. The flower existed for many thousands of years. But many people have hybridized it so there are many thousands of different dahlia.

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9y ago

Yes. The dahlia is named in honour of Dr. Andreas Dahl the Swedish botanist and pupil of Linnaeus.

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9y ago

It is named after Andrew Dahl who was a Swedish botanist and a pupil of Linneaus.

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Why is the dahlia called Dahlia?

It was named after the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl.

What language does the word dahlia come from?

The word "dahlia" comes from Swedish botanist Anders Dahl, who the flower was named after in the 18th century.

What does the name ''Dahlia'' mean?

The name "Dahlia" is of Scandinavian origin and is derived from the name of the flower, which is named after the botanist Anders Dahl. It symbolizes elegance, inner strength, and standing out from the crowd.

What does the flower Dahlia mean in Spanish?

In English or Spanish, it means a flower named after Anders Dahl.

Which country is the word dahlia from?

This plant was discovered in Mexico and named after Anders Dahl, a Swedish botanist (1751-1789)

Which country does the word dahlia come from?

It's from New Latin, named for the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl who lived in the 1700s.

What country does the word dahlia come from?

Dahlia comes from the name of a Swedish botanist, Anders Dahl.

What does the word dahlia mean?

Dahlia was native to Mexico, Central America and parts of South America. It was brought to Europe by Spanish gardeners. In Europe, it was brought to the Netherlands where many other flowers are grown.

Who made up the name dahlia?

Abbe Antonio Jose Cavanilles who was the director of the Royal Gardens of Madrid named the flower after Anders Dahl two years after Dahl's death.

What are facts about dahls life?

Dahl was a botanist, after whom the Dahlia was named.

Where does the name dalia come from?

The name Dalia has multiple origins. It can be a variant of the name Dahlia, which is derived from the name of the flower Dahlia, named after the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl. Dalia can also be a variant of the name Daliah, which has Hebrew origins and means "branch" or "flower."

When did Anders Dahl die?

Anders Dahl died on May 4, 1789.