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In 1912 Walther Bauersfeld, chief engineer at the Carl Zeiss (manufacturers of optical equipment) started work on a building to house a planetarium at the suggestion of the German astronomer Max Wolf. Construction was suspended during the first World War and completed in 1923. That was the first structure to be considered geodesic.

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Q: Who invented the geodesic structure?
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When was the geodesic dome invented?

The geodesic dome was invented in the late 1940's

What kind of structure is a geodesic dome?

A geodesic dome is a spherical or partial - spherical shell structure or lattice shell based on a network of great circles on the surface of a sphere.

Does a geodesic structure have more or less surface area than?

Than what?

What is a real world example of a Geodesic dome?

The 'big ball' at Epcot in Orlando Florida, is a Geodesic sphere. The old dome-like playground equipment is based on the same structure as a geodesic dome. I've posted a couple of links about geodesic domes with some pictures.

What did George fuller invent?

Bucky Fuller invented the Geodesic Dome

Does a geodesic structure have more or less area than a box structure that covers the same amount of floor space?

Less area.

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Where was the geodesic dome created?

Richard. Buckminster. Fuller was the person who invented. HE was in his science lab when he suddenly thought of the idea of the geodesic dome so he gathered the materials and start doing it. After several years, he finally finished the final project. So.. technically.. it was invented in his science lab.

Dose a geodesic form have more of less surface area than a box that covers the same amount of floorspace?

Yes because it has more structure to it.

What is the correct name for buckyball?

The correct name for a buckyball is Buckminsterfullerene. Buckminsterfullerene was named after the architect Buckminster Fuller because Buckminsterfullerene resembles his geodesic domes in terms of structure.

What can a geodesic dome be used for?


Did Romans use geodesic domes?

No they did not. The Romans made domes either with unreinforced concrete of in bricks. Geodesic domes are a modern invention.