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Year 1656 by Christian Huygens Year 1656 by Christian Huygens

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Q: Who invented the modern day clocks?
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Who invented the MODERN day toilet?

Thomas Crapper, the word crap was coined after him

Did clocks exist in the 1850s?

Any Encyclopedia will report that clocks were invented in ancient times, as sundials are primitive clocks. As for mechanical clocks, there are public clocks from the 14th which are still on display in the Science Museum in Britain. See

Where was the clock invented?

Invention of the ClockOne form of clock was first invented in Egypt. They used the water clock to tell time as they had no electricity. Clocks that used falling weights or pendulums appeared in Europe during the 13th century. Earlier civilizations used sundials to tell time during the day.

How long ago were clocks invented?

Clocks are technically one of the oldest inventions, originating in ancient history. Some of the oldest early clocks that we know of date back to 16th century BC, but true dates of origin are unknown. The first mechanical clock was created in 1360 AD by Henry de Vick for King Charles V of France.

Who owned the first clock in history?

Who owned the first clock has not been noted, so we don't know. Clocks have been around a long time. setting aside sundials (which people used back into prehistory to tell the time of day), clock mechanisms driven by water were known to exist in Egypt back to the 1500s BCE, and there is some evidence of water clocks existing in India and China as far back as 4000 BCE. Spring driven clocks were not invented until the 17th or 18th century in Europe, and (of course) the electric clock came into existence in the mid-20th century.

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Clocks were not discovered they were invented.

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digital clocks were made in 1956 the digital clock was invented in 1956, it is the opposite to analogue.

Why is clocks called clocks?

I wouldn't say the inventor, had a reason for calling clocks clocks, the person in which invented clocks came up with the name himself

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When were timeclocks invented?

The first clocks (sundials) were invented a long time ago, and many historians can't place an exact date on their actual invention. Some believe that they first appeared in 3500 BC. Digital clocks and watches are newer inventions that were created in the modern era.

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He invented clocks and watch-glasses

Who invented clocks?

albert instine

Why is clocks called clock?

I wouldn't say the inventor, had a reason for calling clocks clocks, the person in which invented clocks came up with the name himself

Who invented the modern day tag?

Steven neshi