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In 1743 an English beggar by the name of Horrey Thornfield propositioned a local butcher for some scraps... Soon he invented cigarettes

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Q: Who invented the world's first cigarette and what is there real name?
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World's first rolled cigarette!In 1743 an English beggar by the name of Horrey Thornfield propositioned a local butcher for some scraps. After enjoying the scraps, Horrey decided to have a smoke, yet discovered that his previous nights' drunken gambling rampage had caused him to lose his favorite smoking pipe in a card game. With nothing on him but his butcher scraps paper, Horrey ripped off a slice of the wax butcher paper and rolled the worlds first cigarette! A:The native Americans or the people in the far past invented cigarettes. They showed the British who came and made friends. They passed it on to us people in the present.

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