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Q: Who invited men to join the guru's market?
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Why did men join the wall?

They were challenged by Anton Du Beke to "Bring on the wall!"

When does lance join the X-Men?

If you mean Avalanche then he joins the X-men in the X-Men:Evolution show Joyride. Season 2 episode 8

Who are DC comic's target market?

Judging by the extensive dialog and older heroes i would say their target market would be middle aged men.

What do you pledge to Artemis to become a hunter?

(According to Percy Jackson and the Olympiains Book Three: The Titan's Curse) Say this:"I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis.I turn my back on the company of men,accept enternal maidenhood,and join the Hunt."Then Artemis would have to accept your pledge. This means you can never grow up, never get married. You have to be a maiden enternally. So you cannot fall in love with a boy. If you don't break your oath and don't get chopped up by monsters, you will not die or even become sick. You will be young forever. Oh, only GIRLS can join the Hunters of Artemis.

What happened to Spike in X-Men?

Spyke from the cartoon 'X-men: Evolution' was a member of the X-men and Storm's nephew. When his powers grew, making him considered unsightly by many non-mutants, he decided to join the underground mutant society called the Morlocks where he became a vigilante fighter. He later joined the X-men in the fight against Apocalypse and his Horsemen. Since there was no season 5, it can be presumed that he rejoined the Morlocks, but kept in better contact with his aunt and friends after that incident.

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Was there any female Gurus?

Sadly not - don't you think that's a little ironic considering they believe in men and women equality? Hope that was helpful :) Clarification: No, there were not any females Gurus. But during the period of Masand System, which was started by 3rd Sikh Gurus for the preaching of Sikhism as it was gaining growth. There were 8 women among the 24 masands who were given the authority to preach the teachings of Gurus. Please note, as for being sad for not having any female Sikh Guru, indeed it would have been great if there was one but then again succession of Guruship was not a political or social matter or economic condition. One can also say why Guru Nanak did not appoint his sons as his successor. And what is more important is that, regardless if we had female Sikh Gurus or not, if the Gurus have presented in their teachings the equality of men and women, then we should take it from there, rather wondering why were not there any female Sikh Gurus. Thank You

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It stated that all the slaves in the Confederacy are now freed from slavery by Presidential decree, and that these freed men are invited to join the army of the north in overthrowing the tyrannical Confederate government.

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in a way yes rouge did join the brotherhood but later on she did come back to the x-men.

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Shakespeare did not join a different company. The Lord Chamberlain's Men merely changed their name to the King's Men. The company remained intact.

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