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Q: Who is God or how to understand God's nature?
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In Shinto, there are millions of gods; mostly nature spirits. Buddha is worshipped as a god, too.

Why did Hermes mess with the gods?

Hermes was a god of thieves, it was his nature.

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It is a belief that god designed nature with his thumbprint,to show how powerful god can be,

What are the Mayan gods?

Mayan Gods were gods that the Mayan believed in they had many gods. For Example they had a corn god an sun god. They mayans also believed in paying the gods by sacraficing humans and animals so the gods favored them.

Why did Greeks have to worship certain gods?

The Greeks were worshipers of Nature, and their gods simply represented different aspects of nature and abstract concepts. It was as natural to them as worshiping God is to us.

Why did Benji invent the Parthenon?

He built i to honor the god Athena. They thought that gods controlled many things. But now we know that nature controls it (if you believe in god then god causes nature, which i do)

Was pan the nature god immortal?

All of the Greek divinities were immortal.

What are the ottoman empire's gods?

The sultans of the Ottoman Empire were Sunni Muslims, so their god was God, as Muslims understand Him.

Why did the greek myths have a god for every element?

Because the gods were born of Nature, and it was this Nature that ancient man had to keep peace with.

Why did Egyptians choose those names for their gods?

Because of the meaning of the name for the god and their nature.

What do you call a person who believes nature is god?

A person who believes that nature is god can be described as a pantheist. Pantheism is a belief system that views the universe or nature as divine and synonymous with God.

How did the maya pay tribute to their gods?

The Mayan people worshiped nature Gods, including the God of Rain and The God of Sun. The Mayans paid tribute to the various Gods in the form of labor and sacrifice.