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Naruto's father is The Fourth Hokage and people call him also the yellow flash because of his ultimate speed, he was so fast. He sealed the nine tailed fox in his only son (Naruto).

Naruto's father discovered what Madara was up to but couldn't do anything about it at the time. His only immediate option was to seal the 9 tails into Naruto, leave the sage to jaraiya and let faith take care of the rest. As for Naruto's mother, who knows. There are rumors saying that Kimiko( a cunnich of the waves) is his mother.

Naruto's Father's name is Minato Namikaze His mother's name, Kushina Uzumaki.

Naruto was born with his mother's last name

actually minato tried to do something about it but madara was to fast & has the ability to morph time & space that's why he couldn't do anything about it & your half right he sealed half of the fox because madara tired him out so he couldn't fully seal him so what was left over he gave his son kinda like the yin yang i think naruto has the yin & minato took the yang
The fourth hokage
Dude the fourth hokagay, I'm sorry I can spell tat Japanese word rite u should be able to know it...

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12y ago

i say it is the fouth hokage because in naruto manga 440 on it show and tell Minato is Naruto's father

and later on in the shippuden series the forth hokage comes to naruto in his mind to reseal the nine-tail fox, telling him that he is his father.....and when naruto awakens from the sealing kakashi comments "its nice when a father talks to a son."

also in one of the shippuden episodes,Jaraiya has a flash back about his student ,that was the forth hokage, and his pregnant wife...and they tell Jaraiya that they want to name there unborn son after the character in his book...Naruto

BUt i think that isnt true!

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2y ago

His father (the 3rd Hokage) was Minato Uzumaki.

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13y ago

naruto's father is minato,4th hokage

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His father's name was Minato Namikaze,

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narutos father is the 4 hokage Minato Namikaze and the reason why minato sealed the kyuubi in naruto is coz he belived that naruto sum day would use its power for good. go on to Google and type in narutowiki and type the name of the character and it tells everything about them

Did the third Hokage already now that the fourth Hokage was narutos father?

no because the third hokage passed before he knew.

Is narutos father on Naruto 4?

Naruto's father appears in one of the episodes in Shippuden. Do you think that Naruto looks similar or like the 4th Hokage, and futhermore Naruto finds out that his Father; Minato who's the 4th Hokage IS HIS FATHER!

Who is minito?

minito is narutos real father. the nazamaki clan is destroyed like the uchiha clan.there is nomore info so far.

When will they talk about Narutos father in the show Naruto?

They talked about him in the manga but that's way in the story so it wont appear in the anime for a long time.

Is the fourth hokaga narutos dad?

yes he is, it gives a big hint on shippuden episode 128?? around there