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Alfred Wegener.

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1d ago

The plate tectonic theory was primarily developed by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century. He proposed the idea of continental drift, which later laid the foundation for our modern understanding of plate tectonics.

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What is the theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around?

That would be the theory of plate tectonics.

Are plate tectonic plate boundaries?

No, plate boundaries is part of the explanation of the Plate Tectonic theory:)

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What theory led to the plate tectonic theory?

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What is a plate and what is the theory of plate tectonic?

The Plate Tectonic theory tells us that there are plates on which peices of sea/ land occurs. On these boundaries, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur the most.

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Why is tectonic plate movement still called the theory of plate tectonic movement?

Because a theory in everyday life is different than a theory in science. This site explains it well: look at link below.

What Is the theory that the earths lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere?

A theory that says the lithosphere is divided into plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere is called '' plate tectonics''

What does plate tectonic theory tell us?

Nothing, it's a theory, like evolution!

What is the theory called the explains how the continents moved apart?

The continental drift theory, or the plate tectonic theory

What concepts is part of the theory of plate tectonics?

the tectonic plate theory is....when the tectonic plates move together to make a theory