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Gaz is the name of dib's sister

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Related questions

What are the rules of dibs?

"Dibs" is an informal word meaning claim on something, so first dibs gets the first claim or first choice: I call first dibs on the Halloween candy!

What happened to Dibs from the book dibs in search of self?

it got lost

Where did the expression got dibs come from?

The origin of the term 'got dibs' is unknown. Dibs was a game similar to jacks, and the term also referred to money.

How old is gaz from invader zim?

Dont know how old she is but she is Dibs scary little sister so shes probably around 9-10 years

What are the release dates for Dibs - 2012?

Dibs - 2012 was released on: USA: 1 October 2012

Which wins dibs or nose goes?

Dibs typically takes priority over nose goes. When someone calls dibs on something, they are claiming the right to it, while nose goes is a way to determine who takes on an undesirable task.

Is dibs is a crush?

yes dibs means you chose whoever you choose as cute. example Dianna said dibs on Joshua that means no one else you are dibbing with can have a crush or marry that Person

What are the release dates for Dibs - 2006?

Dibs - 2006 was released on: USA: 26 June 2006 (premiere)

What rhymes with dibs?


What Persians invented?

everything and dibs

What does dibs mean in the TV-series how I met your mother?

As everywhere else "dibs" means "It's mine" or something like that....F.Ex:"I call dibs on that last pretzel"Meaning: "That last pretzel is mine because I say so"....sound weird, but it's hard to explain....

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