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Q: Who is doctor thomas p lecky and his invention?
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Where did doctor thomas p lecky lived in Jamaica?

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When was Dr. Thomas P. Lecky born?

Doctor Thomas P Lecky was born in 1904. He passed away in 1994. He was ninety years old at the time of his death.

What year was Thomas P Lecky born?

Dr. Thomas P. Lecky was born in 1904 in Portland, Jamaica.

Where is Dr Thomas P Lecky from?


When did thomas p lecky die?


When is thomas p lecky's birthday?

Dr Tomas P Lecky birthday is 1994 31st of december he died 1904 his rigth name is Dr Thomas Pillip Lecky he was born in portland

What does the 'P' stand for in Dr. Thomas P. Lecky?


What two schools did Dr. Thomas .P. Lecky attended?

Dr. Thomas P. Lecky attended the University of Iowa and the University of Chicago.

Where was thomas p lecky work done?

In Jamaica.

Did thomas p lecky write any books?

Thomas P. Lecky is known for his book "The Bounds of Freedom: Kant’s Causal Theory of Action."

Where was thomas p lecky area of study done?


What did thomas p lecky invented?

he invented a type of cattle