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Rhoda Duchess Pruitt is the Sole Heiress of her father: John LeeMaster Pruitt who's discography/ Music cataloge goes back to the 1950's. She is known as Celebrity Actress Maia Campbell's closest confident and friend. Rhoda is credited for assisting Maia's comeback career and is Releasing/ Publishing and Editing Maia's book and two books currently with her dad.

Rhoda is verified in the HollywQQd Industry --- GOOGLE Her!

She is a Celebrity Stylist, real estate Broker, Model, Fashionista who customizes and Blings out Jewelry and Furs & Accessories. Ms. Pruitt is regarded as Music Royalty known as The Celeb Kid of JCB (The Jimmy Castor BUNCH).

Her dad is Super Co-Producer John Pruitt of 13 Hit Albums with Godfather/ STAR: Jimmy Castor who recently died. The JCB are Sample Kings who are the 2nd most Sampled musicians who own the rights to their music catalogue. Rhoda is an American Socialite & whoever she needs to be to get the job done for her Family;s Empire. Remember her Family told you 1st...''IT"S Just BEGUN''

In her spare time she is known for owning ebay stores and buying & Selling Fabulosity from NYC to Hollywood! The young and single Socialite and her dad are new Authors registered with the Library of Congress and are in the midst of self publishing! Add Rhoda DuChess Pruitt on facebook to shop my life & Buy Items like 1 of a kind GUCCI Blinged Out items directly on facebook being 1 of the 1st to turn a social network into a commerce/ buying and selling website.

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Q: Who is john leemaster pruitt why is he famous Daughters name supposively rhonda dutchess pruitt?
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