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Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian Renaissance philosopher and poet who lived from 1469 - 1527. His namesake spawned the psychology term Machiavellianism. Someone afflicted by Machiavellianism thrives on the manipulation of others. This term stems from Machiavelli's belief that all men are inherently bad and will act upon their badness if given the opportunity.

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βˆ™ 1mo ago

NiccolΓ² Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, philosopher, and writer during the Renaissance. His most famous book is "The Prince," a political treatise that offers advice to rulers on how to maintain power and control.

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Q: Who was Machiavelli and what was his most famous book?
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What was the name of Machiavelli's book?

Machiavelli's most famous book is called "The Prince." It was written in the 16th century and is a political treatise on leadership and governance.

What was Machiavelli's most famous work?

"Il Principe" ('the Ruler') was Machiavelli's most famous work.

Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince has become famous today for its?

Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince is a non-fiction book published in 1532. His book is famous for its description of how to seize and hold power within a government or kingdom.

What are the achievements of Nicolo Machiavelli?

Nicolo Machiavelli was a renowned Italian diplomat, philosopher, and writer. His most famous work, "The Prince," is considered a seminal text in political philosophy. Machiavelli's ideas on leadership and governance, particularly his emphasis on practicality and realism, have had a lasting influence on political thought.

In what genre did Machiavelli write in?

Machiavelli primarily wrote in the genre of political philosophy. His most famous work, "The Prince," is a treatise on politics and leadership.

What where Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas Moore famous for?

Niccolo Machiavelli was famous for writing "The Prince," a political treatise that explores how rulers can maintain power. Thomas More was famous for writing "Utopia," a book that criticized the social and political structure of his time and proposed an ideal society.

What have Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince has become famous today for?

Its heartwarming portrayal of saintly popes during the Middle Ages

You are known as the first political scientistThe most famous phrase from my work is ''the ends justifies the means'' who am i?


How is machiavelli famous?

Machiavelli is famous for writing the book "The Prince" in the 1400's. He wrote this to the ruler of the Italian city he was exiled from trying to gain the rulers favor. His book has been related to totaliarian rule and he is best known for saying that " The ends justify the means", meaning whatever it cost to get you what you want it is worth the loss. Hope this answers your question

What is the significance of Machiavelli's book The Prince?

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What is the significance of the Machiavelli book the prince?

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What is the significant of Machiavelli book the prince?

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