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Q: Who is megatrons master?
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What is the name of megatrons brother?

Optimus prime

How many megatrons are there in all of the transformers films?

There are two

What is megatrons weakness?

He is weak against putting a cube into his heart

You lost your transformers toy megatrons firing pulet what shuold you do?

just use jetfires it fits

Who is Megatrons brother?

He doesn't have on Or at least none are mentioned in the Bay movies.

Does Galvatron turn back into Megatron in Transformers G1?

Galvatron uses Megatron and is Decepticons in to his and he uses Megatrons body as Galvatrons

Who is galatron from transformers?

a transformer who takes megatrons place and looks like megratrons identical twin! (actually optimus prime really was him brother. :-( )

Why does optimus prime want the cube put in his chest instead of megatrons in the movie?

because he wanted to sacrifice to get rid of the all spark wouldn't have it.

In transformers 2 revenge of the fallen who is the deceptiecon boss?

megatron is the dicpticon boss but the fallen is better and is megatrons boss so it's basiclly the fallen

Who is megatron right hand man?

starscream is megatrons right hand man he is secound in command awating megatron to be defeated so he can become the leader of the decepticons

How would optimus kick megatrons butt in transformers 2?

He would have to check with his lawyer, first, because Megatron would probably sue for unmotivated attack.

Does optimus prime get his arm cut off?

Optimus was fighting sentinel prime and sentinel prime cut his arm off and was a about to kill him but megatron jumps in and helps optimus and try's to call truce but optimus gets an axe and stabs megatrons head and pulls out his spine. Then he picks up megatrons shot gun and kills sentinel prime.