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They are equal

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Q: Who is more famous Batman or Superman?
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Is Batman famous?

Along with Superman, Batman is the most famous DC Comics superhero.

Who is more stronger Batman or Superman?

superman will crush life out of batman

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Spnic the Hedgehog

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Some of the most famous cartoons in the world include Mickey Mouse, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Bugs Bunny. These characters have become iconic and beloved by audiences of all ages around the globe.

Batman or Superman strongers?

Superman, Batman doesn't have any powers

Does Superman have more comics than Batman?

I count 714 Superman comics and 881 Superman comics.

Who has more enemies batman or Superman?

i think that Superman doesw cause he is AB ALIEN

Who is more popular batman or superman?

Batman, then spiderman, then deadpool, then wolverine, then silver surfer, then night crawler, then green lantern then .................................................................................. and last superman. (SUPERMAN SUCKS) that's what i am trying to say

Who is stonger Superman or Batman?

Superman - because Batman has no "super" powers.

Why is batman more overrated than superman?

Because Batman is a normal person. People feel that they can relate to him more.

Who is strong Batman or Superman?


Who is more famous Superman or flash?
