

Best Answer

As normal: Isabella

As agent: Admiral Wanda Acronym

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Q: Who is pinky the chihuahua's boss in Phineas and Ferb?
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What is the name of agent p's boss in Phineas and Ferb?

His name is Major Monagram.

Who plays perrys boss in Phineas ferb?

Perry's Boss, Major Francis Monogram, is voiced by Jeff "Swampy" Marsh.

Who does the voice of perry platypus's boss on Phineas and Ferb?

Major Monogram, Perry's boss, is voiced by Jeff "Swampy" Marsh. He is also the co-creator of the show.

All girls off of Phineas and Ferb?

Candace, Isabella, Stacy, Vanessa, Jenny, Mrs. Garcia Shapiro, Pinky, Wendy, Wendy Stinklehopper, Pinky's agency boss, and Professor Poofenplotz. In Summer Belongs to you Chaka Khan appears and sings with Clay Aiken. Oh, I almost forgot, Grandma Winifred, Grandma Betty Jo, her twin sister, Lorraine, and Suzy.

What really is the name of agent p's boss in Phineas and Ferb?

Major Monogram and the name of his assistant carl with the glassess they both tell perry his missions hope this helped :P

What is a hink-pink for 'boss'?

Chief thief! And if he has expired? :o) Dead head! If you need a hinky -pinky Foreman doorman

What is the doofenshmirtz building supposed to be?

it was supposed to be an office bulilding but then he used an ...anator to kill the boss and then he had the building to himself (this is from the Disney channel show, Phineas and Ferd)

Who is perry the platypus's secret agent boss?

A semi aquatic egg laying mammal of action, he's a furry little flatfoot, who will never flinch from a fray_ee-ah-ee-ay-ee-ay. Hes got more than just mad skills, he got a beaver tail and a bill and all the women swoon whenever they hear him say...(chattering) Hes perry, Agent P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give me one hundred words why I should hire you?

Im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss im a boss

Where is the boat in Phineas and Ferb ds?

If you mean the SS Anne , then it;s at Verlimon City , and if you mean the other little boats to get you to the islands .. same place you need a pass though !

What was a boss's TV lament?

what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament

What is a penultimate boss?

The penultimate boss is the boss before the last boss.