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Q: Who is qualified to make a medical diagnosis?
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How to make a correct medical diagnosis?

If you are not a doctor, then go to one. The doctor is the only person qualified to make an official diagnosis. A nurse is not even qualified to make the "official" diagnosis. But it is good to research on your own issue because doctors do still miss things and it is important to be knowledgeable about your own health conditions as well.

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Go and see a qualified medical practitioner for a diagnosis.

Why do you have blood and black in your phlegm?

Go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) for a diagnosis.

Where can I find online medical diagnoses?

They Mayo Clinic is a site other than WebMd that can help you with medical diagnosis. It is important though to see a qualified medical proffesional for a diagnosis before treatment.

What medical professional is qualified to make a diagnosis of leprosy?

The signs and symptoms characteristic of leprosy can be easily identified by a health worker after a short training period.

How do you treat an rsi if you have one?

You go and seek the diagnosis and advice of a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor).

What could cause numbness in your right foot?

If you have medical problems please go and see a qualified medical practitioner, (a Doctor), the Internet is not the place for diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions as the diagnosis REQUIRES a full face to face medical examination.

Why are your foot bones fracturing and breaking?

To answer this you need to see a qualified medical partitioner (a doctor) for an examination and diagnosis.

How does one know if the symptoms one is experiencing is bronchitis and not something different?

The only person qualified to offer a medical diagnosis is a medical doctor. Therefore, the only way a person would know if their symptoms was bronchitis or another illness would be to obtain a diagnosis from a qualified medical professional. Websites such as Web MD may offer information on illnesses, but they are also not qualified to diagnose.

What are tiny blisters on the scalp?

If you are worried about your health, you should go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor), the internet is no place to seek a medical diagnosis or advice.

Do I have a skin disorder or allergy?

Redness and flakiness on the skin can be indicative of either an allergic reaction, or a disorder. A dermatologist is the type of medical professional who is qualified to make this determination. Consult your local dermatologist for a diagnosis.

All i want to do is sleep?

You should go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) about this - there can be many causes and you need to get a diagnosis and treatment.