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That depends on the situation and who is involved.

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Q: Who is responsible for violate the child rights?
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Related questions

How does the 5th amendment violate gay rights?

The 5th ammendment does not violate gay rights.

How does someone voluntarily give up rights to a child?

You have to find someone to transfer the rights to, ie, someone who will adopt the child and then be responsible for him/her.

Federal courts hear cases that violate what rights?

They hear cases that violate your US Constitutional rights.

Can a man sign over rights to get out of paying child support?

Signing rights away will not stop any child support from being taken from the father. If the child is the fathers then he is financially responsible for the child weather he has rights or not.

If you sign over your rights as a parent are you still responsible for child support?

Yes, until/unless the child is adopted.

Who can violate human rights?

Essentially anyone can violate Human Rights, from a personal level to a massive or collective level, be it unjustly imprisoning someone or impeding their rights to live.

If the father gives up his rights to his child can child support be stopped?

Only if the courts grant his request to terminate his rights. If they don't then he can still be legally responsible to pay.

How do law enforcement violate the Bill of Rights?

Law enforcement, as such, does not violate the bill of rights. Violations come from errors or malfeasance on the part of the enforcers.

Can your civil rights be violated by the Social Security Administration?

The Social Security Administration is not permitted to violate civil rights.The Social Security Administration is not permitted to violate civil rights.The Social Security Administration is not permitted to violate civil rights.The Social Security Administration is not permitted to violate civil rights.

Do you still have to pay child support when signing over your parental rights in Massachusetts?

When you relinquish your parental rights so the child can be adopted you are no longer responsible for paying child support. You are liable for support until/unless child is adopted.

How do people violate consumer rights?

With commercials.

At what age is a parent not legally responsible for their child in Virginia?

In Virginia, parents are legally responsible for their child until the age of 18, unless the child is emancipated or the parents' rights are terminated by a court.