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Q: Who is the Greek god of learning?
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Who is the greek god of record keeping?

Thoth. Greek god of wisdom is associated with learning, writing and wisdom.

What did the Greek god Apollo do?

He healed many of the Greek gods and humans on earth, he also brought medicine to the earth. His daily chore was to drive the sun chariot across the sky. He was the god of culture and learning.

Who if the god of learning?

The god of learning is typically associated with Saraswati in Hinduism, Athena in Greek mythology, and Thoth in ancient Egyptian mythology. Each of these gods is revered for their wisdom, knowledge, and intellectual pursuits.

Ancient gods of learning?

Some ancient gods of learning include Thoth in Egyptian mythology, Athena in Greek mythology, Saraswati in Hindu mythology, and Odin in Norse mythology. These gods were revered for their wisdom, knowledge, and guidance in various forms of learning and intellectual pursuits.

Is the god Zeus a Roman or Greek god?

He is Greek god, but he does have a roman version Jupiter

What is a funny storie about the greek god sades?

There is no Greek god "Sades": there is a Greek god Hades.

Is posiden a Greek god?

The god Poseidon was the Greek god of the ocean.

Who is the greek god Hermes?

the greek god hermes the god of messages

Who are the family members of hades the greek god?

Poseidan the Greek god was related to Hades the Greek god!

Is Poseidon a greek god or goddess?

He is a Greek God.

What is Apollo the greek god of?

He is the Greek god of the sun.

Which words should be capitalized the greek god theory?

Only "Greek" and "God" should be capitalized in the phrase "the Greek god theory."