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Q: Who is the Youngest female to have a number 1 in 1998?
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Kimberly Anyadike is a flying what?

she is the first to fly 4 different aircrafts in 1 day. Also she was the youngest African American female to fly a transcontinnetal flight

What are the release dates for City Confidential - 1998 Deadly Odds in Biloxi 1-1?

City Confidential - 1998 Deadly Odds in Biloxi 1-1 was released on: USA: 1998

What are the release dates for One World - 1998 Hurricane Jane 1-1?

One World - 1998 Hurricane Jane 1-1 was released on: USA: 12 September 1998

What are the release dates for From the Earth to the Moon - 1998 Can We Do This 1-1?

From the Earth to the Moon - 1998 Can We Do This 1-1 was released on: USA: 5 April 1998 Germany: 2 October 2009

What are the release dates for It's True - 1998 The Rats of Rumfordton Pilot 1-1?

It's True - 1998 The Rats of Rumfordton Pilot 1-1 was released on: USA: 1998

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Wio became the youngest female to have a number 1 at the time in 1998?

Billie Piper

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Jesse - 1998 Crazy White Female 1-15 was released on: USA: 11 February 1999

Who was the youngest female tennis player to reach the top ten?

Martina Hingis 1# 1977 , 16 years old

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American Roxane de la Roche graduated Le Cordon Bleu in Paris at age 22, Chef de Cuisine and Master Sommelier. Unsure about the youngest chef ever, but she was the youngest Female ever made MS.

How old was the number 1 youngest male tennis player?

20 (Lleyton Hewitt)

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men's number 1: Roger Federer female's number 1: Serena Williams

Was billie piper the youngest solo artist to have a number one hit?

She is the youngest solo artists to debut at #1 on the UK single charts and the 2nd-youngest soloist to get a single at #1 on the UK Singles Charts. She achieved both of these records with her debut single : "Because We Want To".

Who is the youngest in 1 direction?

Niall James Horan is the youngest of 1 direction

Youngest female artist to get a number 1 in the UK charts?

From, a site dedicated to the UK Top 40... Youngest Top 40 ActMicrobe. Real name Ian Doody, he was just 3 years old when he took "Groovy Baby" to no. 29 in 1969! His dad, Pat, was the news reader on Radio One at the time and his son would sit in front of the radio and 'talk to daddy'. He recorded the lines and used them on the Dave Cash show. Chris Andrews heard it and wrote 'Groovy Baby'. The chorus was by Maddy Bell, Leslie Duncan and Dusty Springfield.

Youngest person ever to have a number 1 single?

Micheal Jackson of The Jackson Five with the single "I want you back"

Kimberly Anyadike is a flying what?

she is the first to fly 4 different aircrafts in 1 day. Also she was the youngest African American female to fly a transcontinnetal flight

What was number one hit on the 11 August 1998?

"The Boy Is Mine" by Brandy and Monica was the number 1 hit song on August 11, 1998.