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Andy Warhol

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Q: Who is the artist that started pop art movement in the 1960s?
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Andy Warhol was involved in which art movement?

andy warhol is a pop artist

What part of art movement was David Hockney part of?

He is still working, so Modernism and Post-Modernism.

What is the Chicano art movement?

The Chicano art movement is something that began in the 1960s. The Chicano art movement worked to resist and challenge dominant social norms in society.

Op art the movement how long did it last?

It was popular throughout the 1960s.

What is Sol Lewitt well known for?

Sol LeWitt, was an important American artist, most closely associated with the Conceptual art movement and Minimalism. He became famous in the 1960s with his self-described "structures."

When did Vincent van Gogh create Pop Art?

He did not. Pop Art is a movement of the 1960s. Vincent died in 1890.

What anti-commercial movement begun in the 1960s in which works of art are conceived and executed in the mind of artists?

Conceptual Art

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Work of Art The Next Great Artist - 2010 Art Movement 2-2 was released on: USA: 19 October 2011

Who is Giacomo Balla?

an artist who shoes movement through his art

How is kinetic art created by the artist?

Kinetic art is created when the artists move the body parts of the statue. Kinetic art is a way of art involving the movement of the artist and his statue.

What movement did Roy Lichtenstein found?

Pop art He was a Pop Art painter, but he did not found that movement.

When was abstract art first started?

wassily kandinsky a russian born artist working in munich is credited with begining this movement from1910-1913 in the 19th century.the first abstract art was done in 1909