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Elizabeth Bogush

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Q: Who is the female actor in the KGB 542542 commercials?
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What actors and actresses appeared in Operation Skorpion - Eine Frau im Visier des KGB - 2009?

The cast of Operation Skorpion - Eine Frau im Visier des KGB - 2009 includes: Heidrun Hofer as herself

What would Cinderella wear if she was a detective?

Trench coat with garrison belt. also a Russian hat, boots, you know- like the Girl who is still Unsolved Case No. l of the KGB

What actors and actresses appeared in Secrets of the International Spy Museum - 2004?

The cast of Secrets of the International Spy Museum - 2004 includes: Penny Johnson as Guest Randy Molnar as KGB Assassin

What does Angelina Jolie play in the movie Salt?

Angelina Jolie played the role of Evelyn Salt/Natasha Chenkov in the movie Salt. She is an CIA agent accused of being a double agent for the KGB.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Printing - 1990?

The cast of The Printing - 1990 includes: David Appleman as Sergei Alan Behn as Militia Greg Bliss as Hospital orderly Linda Byers as Luba Alice Cromley as Olga Gary Eaker as Driver Velma Eubanks as Maya Peter Fistere as KGB Mike Fowler as Householder Connie Fowler as Wife Dwight Gustafson as Pastor Claudia Loftis as Doctor Betty Panosian as Lydia Edward Panosian as Yakov Harold Patz as Militia Danny Patz as Sledder Lonnie Polson as Gushchin Ron Pyle as Yuri Eva Rimel as Grandmother Bud Rimel as KGB Janiece Robinson as Galina Richard Rupp as Aleksandr Dan Unruh as Militia Nick Uwarow as KGB Matthew Von as Sledder Gary Weier as Lt. Kornyev

Related questions

How much do you get paid for being a KGB special agent?

Nothing, they have been disbanded. no they are talking about KGB 542542 it is an answer service

Who are the two actors in the KGB commercials?

The male actor is Sean Gunn - he was mostly known for his 10 season role in The Gilmore Girls.I do not know the female actor but would like to.....

How do kgb get there answers?

kgb 542542 get their answers through Google and the whole internet, you can even ask them the source of your answer to verify, of course with a $0.99 charge.

Who is the redhead in the KGB commercials?

Her name is Elizabeth Bogush. You're most likely recognizing her from her role as Alex Hanson, a love interest of J.D., on the television series Scrubs.

What is the name of the company that has been running commercials for people to text them questions and get real time answers?

I'm positive the company name is KGB, but I can't find or remember the text number. That is what I need.

What does KGB stand for-?

In Russian KGB means Komitjet Gosudarstvjennoj Bjezopasnosti, translated this means Committee for State Security

When was KGB-FM created?

KGB-FM was created in 1950.

How many KGB agents is in Czech republic?

There isn't any KGB agent in Czech Republic, because there is no KGB anymore.

How has the KGB evolved since it was first created?

The KGB is Russia's secret police organization created in 1917. In the beginning, the KGB was under control of the People's commission of the USSR. In 1991, the KGB was dissolved, and the foreign intelligence committee assumed duties.

How can we highly compressed in KGB archiver?

Kgb se kar lo.

When was KGB Archiver created?

KGB Archiver was created in 2006-03.

From where can you download free movies in KGB format?

kgb formate movie