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Q: Who is the first person to whom Odysseus show his true identity?
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What is role identity?

the role of identity is to show or to tell what is your name,natonality and culture it is all about personality of a person

How does Odysseus's dog Argo show his loyalty?

by waiting for odysseus and then he dies

What is the duration of Identity game show?

The duration of Identity - game show - is 3600.0 seconds.

Who was the first person to appear on the Ellen degeneres show?

Ellen Degeneres was the first person to be on the show.

How does Odysseus show bravery?

In the epic of the cyclops Odysseus stands up for his men.

When was Identity - game show - created?

Identity - game show - was created on 2006-12-18.

When did Identity - game show - end?

Identity - game show - ended on 2007-04-27.

Why did Odysseus show his scar on his leg to his faithful servants?

To prove to then that he is in fact Odysseus and not an impostor.

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How does Odysseus show respect for the gods in the Odyssey?

Odysseus often sacrifices to the gods and thanks them for their help.

What does this show about Odysseus when him and his men escaped the cyclops cave?

Which trait of an epic hero does Odysseus show when he ties his men to the rams?

What did the king and queen do for Odysseus in book 7?

In Book 7 of "The Odyssey," the king and queen of Phaeacia, Alcinous and Arete, show hospitality and kindness to Odysseus by offering him food, shelter, and asking about his identity and journey. They welcome him with open arms and provide him with a ship to continue his journey home.